Gynaecologist at My Medyk
Cytology - research which saves lives
Bad Cytology Results?
Cytology takes only a few minutes but is lifesaving. Yet many of us don't even think about it. Recent statistics show that as many as five Polish women die every day from cervical cancer. The prevention is simple – get checked regularly. You do not even need a referral.
It is recommended to have your first test at the age of 25.
Women under the age of 25 should also get tested if they have been sexually active from a young age, or have risky sexual behaviour, for example, multiple partners. Equally, do not wait if you are HIV-positive, have HPV, take immunosuppressive drugs or have been treated for erosion and cervical dysplasia.
The early stages of cancer usually have no symptom, neither does HPV (which can often lead to cancer mutations) so without cytology, a woman will not be aware she is infected. The moment of infection to the development of an early form of noninvasive cancer that is completely curable, takes from five to ten years. Do not wait until you are aware of symptoms as cancer is then harder to treat.
In recent years in the U.S. there has been a new technique which aims to increase accuracy in cytology. Cytology performed by ThinPrep ® Pap Test ™ has changed the way the procedure is carried out. The tool which collects whole cells is immersed in a fixing solution (so all cells go into the solution - nothing is left on the brush, as is the case with the traditional smear).The solution is then filtered to separate the blood and mucus, and the residue is spread on a glass slide. Research conducted on thousands of women has shown that the detection of atypical cells grown by this method is about 65%.
Cytology is a completely reliable test for detecting any changes in the cervix - from mild inflammation to cancer. Monolayer cytology offers greater diagnostic capabilities, minimises the number of incorrect or illegible results and improves the quality and reliability of the cytological results. During the retrieval of a swab for conventional cytology it might happen that the material will be unevenly distributed on a slide. Then the cells can be not seen or will overlap. Research has also shown that there are situations where the majority of the cells is not transferred to the glass or has been damaged by improper use of the retrieval device. It increases the probability of having to retest. The image on the glass slide with a sample prepared by ThinPrep ® Pap Test ™ is clean and transparent. Retrieving only a single layer of material for cytology allows you to prepare and secure a larger number of cells to be analysed and improves their presentation during microscopic evaluation in the laboratory.
Monolayer cytology is very effective, detecting even very early tumors. The monolayer cytology test for HPV means that the chance to develop the changes that can cause cervical cancer during the next three years is close to zero.
How do you prepare for cytology?
The best time for cytology is between the 10th and 20th day of the cycle, that is before the 4th day after menstruation, and no later than the 4th day before the next menstruation. Prior to the test do not use any vaginal medications. Twenty four hours before cytology abstain from sexual intercourse and reduce hygiene and beauty treatments in the genital area. By following these simple rules, you reduce the risk of contaminating the test result.
How is the cytological process carried out?
The doctor will first insert into the vagina a speculum, and then a little three-tooth brush with a long handle. The brush collects two samples of exfoliated cervical epithelium with mucus. Each sample is transferred to a separate glass, then stained and inspected under the microscope for mutations. The test result is ready after two weeks.