It is a procedure that consists of applying extreme cold multiple times on affected areas of the skin, particularly effective in the removal of skin lesions, such as warts , moles, Bowen's disease or the treatment of benign neoplastic lesions (hemangiomas).




- arthritis (rheumatoid, chronic juvenile, reactive, psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis);

- metabolic-inflammatory changes (e.g. gout);

- chronic cervical spondylitis;

- shoulder impingement syndrome;

- periarticular inflammation of tendons, joint capsule and muscles ;

- Fibromyalgia syndrome (Soft-tissue rheumatism);

- Post-Traumatic Arthritis;

- damage to the meniscus;

- tear of muscle and/or tendon

- treating chronic and pathological pain (conservative method);

- treating of muscle spasticity in the process of neurological rehabilitation ;

- severe and long-standing sports-related and post-operative injuries;




- skin changes of purulent and gangrenous nature;

- autonomic neuropathy;

- Hypothyroidism;

- severe anemia;

- use of certain drugs and substances (e.g. neuroleptics, alcohol);

- emaciation and hypothermia;

- heart/subvalvular apparatus diseases;

- during cardiac insufficiency;

- Arteriovenous malformation in the lungs ;

- severe forms of effort angina and angina pectoris ;

- severe respiratory diseases of various origins;

- blood circulation disorders;

- advanced arteriosclerosis;

- cancer;

- Prinzmetal's angina;

- local frostbites;

- skin damage ;

- hypertension of significant degree ;

- arrhythmia with a rate more than 100 per minute;

- a history of venous thrombosis and peripheral arterial blockages;

- cold urticaria;

- Raynaud's syndrome.