test3shapergbThe digital revolution in dentistry at My Medyk. Better quality for you!

The clinic's vision is to continuously improve the standards and quality of medical services in the UK in line with global trends in medicine. My Medyk clinics recognize that their patients care not only about their health but also their appearance and well-being.

Now thanks to the possibilities of the world's most modern scanner 3Shape TRIOS® we can offer our patients a new quality in dentistry and new experiences.

Many dentists call it 'the most powerful and useful solution to the CAD/CAM system in the world'. Others emphasize the effects the benefits to their work, its range of modern tools, ease of use combined with a full range of prosthetic functions and technological perfection. However you look at it, 3shape TRIOS® scanner has been named the most innovative device in the world in 2014. It is the latest generation of intraoral scanners that first and foremost gives amazing results as well as a much more enjoyable experience for the patient.

TRIOS Color WorkflowThanks to the capabilities of the scanner 3shape TRIOS® scanner, digital impressions can obtained immediately. 3D technology allows the dentists to dispense with the previously used traditional impression, reducing the amount of time needed to complete the reconstruction of the tooth to a minimum. Traditional impression material could distort the tissues located in the oral cavity. But with this new technology, that is not the case, leading to a perfectly accurate digital impression which is immediately stored on a computer. This impression also shows in more detail the relationship of the opposing teeth and the spacing between adjacent teeth. The downloaded impression is automatically saved in a computer program where, with a little help of a dentist, a ceramic restoration can be designed within minutes. The technology allows the dentist to perfectly match the colour and shape of tooth to the patient's natural teeth. The laboratory then receives a perfect impression a few minutes after the scan and can immediately start designing the prosthetic tooth.

Screen Shot 2014-03-10 at 10.10.21Perfect results - perfectly matched colors and shapes of crowns etc. and no further adjustments
Satisfaction - fine aesthetics and world's top quality crowns
Comprehensive solutions - a full range of prosthetic works
Greater comfort – no manual impressions and the use of carbon paper, immediate digital impressions
Time saving - less time spent in the dental chair and a fewer number of visits
Unique experiences - scan visualization of dental arches in 3D and HD images in real time
New perception - the world's first oral scans in natural color
Money saving - prices for services 3Shape TRIOS included in the price of a regular treatment

We raise quality standards of the available medical services because our patients come first.